Free Shipping on orders above INR 1500/- SHOP NOW

New Delhi, India
+91 9718 430002

Shipping Policies

1: What are the delivery charges?
Delivery charge varies with each product.

2: What is the estimated delivery time?
We generally procure and ship the items within the time specified on the product page. Business days exclude public holidays and Sundays.

3: Are there any hidden costs (sales tax, etc) on items?
There are NO hidden charges when you make a purchase. List prices are final and all-inclusive. The price you see on the product page is exactly what you would pay.

Delivery charges are not hidden charges.

4: Why there is no shipment in my area?
Please enter your pincode on the product page (you don’t have to enter it every single time) to know whether the product can be delivered to your location.

If you haven’t provided your pincode until the checkout stage, the pincode in your shipping address will be used to check for serviceability.

Whether your location can be serviced or not depends on
Legal restrictions, if any, in shipping particular products to your location
Whether the logistic company ships to your location
The availability of reliable courier partners in your location
At times logistic company prefer not to ship to certain locations. This is entirely at their discretion.

5: Why is the CoD option not offered in my location?

Right now we do not offer any COD options.

6: I need to return an item, how do I arrange for a pick-up?
Right now we do not have any return or refund policies unless the product is damaged.